Question: What are the promises of God?

 Question: What are the promises of God? 

Covenant Theology and Dispensational Theology may offer an exhaustive insight into the promises of God. Promises galore, its all the more imperative that these wonderful promises be duly accorded to Israel, her Messiah and the Church which is predominantly Gentile.

For as it is today, many Christians have intentionally misappropriated many OT promises to themselves at the expense of biblical truths. For starters, there’s the highly coveted blessings of Deuteronony 28 yet leaving the curses for Israel; and futher still, Jeremiah 29:11 which is again about Israel and countless more (twisted to metaphors) that tantamount to Replacement Theology or Christian Reconstruction. People – nations and ethnic groups – will be judged as to how they have treated the brethren of the Lord (Matthew 24-27).

L.S. James
13 May 2013

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